10 x YOURSELF. Without the hassle, overwhelm and workaholic lifestyle

Get ready for your brand new chapter of life and business based on clarity, well-feeling and success.
Work-Life Innovation

Hedi Schaefer is an awarded Work Life Innovation expert since 2010. Her work is known from:


My Mission
Change can be messy, but when you step into with your full power, you create the most delicious chapter of your life
– that's Change_liscious!

About Me
Hi I’m Hedi, Work-Life Innovation expert since 2010, author and speaker, and I'm here to support you on this journey.
Wherever you are (online) with state of the art identity work and future skills.
Why am I here?
I've been a high performer until 2018, when I became a mom, and everything changed. I worked for artists in my early twenties until my health broke down. In my thirties I jet-setted across the globe as an innovation consultant and trainer for corporate teams to design new business ideas and -models and healthy identities. I wasn't walking the talk myself, though. Always living from the outside in. Never feeling enough. Addicted to work, a classic burn-out candidate. My identity crisis in 2018 and forced break was a blessing. I learned to turn my wounds into wisdom and my shadows into light. I redesigned my brain from surviving to thriving. And I created programs I wish I had back then. Today I'm not a hamster-wheeler anymore. I live a life without stress and pressure but powered by fulfillment, self-determination, purpose and ease. I know I'm not special, and that you can do the same.
I'm here to support your success journey.
I'm here so you can light up and lead your new chapter.
Hedi Schaefer offers a holistic life coaching, business coaching and transformation coaching approach. Called: Work-Life Innovation!
You experience this unique approach by following the three steps of Hedi's 3 Cs of Change.

Hedi's 3Cs of Change in a Nutshell.
Most people know what they want to move out. But not where towards!
Gain clarity on your true purpose, values and visions to gain focus and energy.
For a new life of flow, fulfillment, success, well-feeling and ease.

Most people get blocked by their own limitations, generational trauma and self sabotage. Reprogram your subconscious mind and heal to become limitless.
For a new life without fears, past traumas, limiting patterns and beliefs.

Most people get stuck in planning and high-level strategy mode. Missing the agile nature of our world today. Step into your creator state with tools and principles of successful entrepreneurs and innovators of today with step-by-step innovation road maps and agile future skills.

What other innovators say:
Hedi's wit and creativity turn problems into challenges which you look
forward to.
Her view from the outside enables you to become an innovator yourself.
Malin Schulz
(Editor In Chief, DIE ZEIT)
Hedi's content is powerful. I'm now where I never thought I could be.
Antonia Roggendorf
(Founder of The Midwife Talk)
Working with Hedi is like magic. She hits the tone, she hits the timing and she helped me to overcome my dark days with her sparkling attitude... just by being herself. Thank you Hedi for just being yourself!
Caroline Schroth
(Board Member Rothlaender & Co GmbH
Thanks to Hedi's program, I am no longer stuck in a victim attitude but live in complete power.
Instead of not accepting parts of myself, I know: I am perfect the way I am. Instead of being constantly stressed and under pressure to perform, I know: I don't have to. I can. My relationships are now connected instead of superficial chit-chat - even without words. And thanks to the clarity of my purpose, values ​​, and vision, I know exactly where I want to go.
Larissa Pauli
(Project Manager)
This experience was beyond anything I've ever done. I gained clarity for all the topics I was occupied with and got confident about myself and all that I want to achieve.
Hedi's Mastermind helped me realize and really act on this realization that I can create and have the life that I want.
Dimitroula Thanas
The package was perfect for me: Honest, empathetic support and lots of great inputs and exercises took me by the hand week after week and guided me through the mud. Now I'm standing in front of a freshly sown lawn, have made decisions and found relaxation. Goodbye to roller coaster rides and hamster wheels. I have learned to live myself and no longer let myself live. I'm really looking forward to what's ahead of me: my SELF.
Nadin Schmolke
(Project Manager)
I got so much positive energy for my new mother role
and found out who I want to be as a mother and person.
Pauline Schaefer
(Founder of drpaulineschaefer.de)
Hedi has a strong and radiant personality. She’s funny, clever, compassionate, determined and reliable; nothing escapes her. Working with her, I learned a lot about myself and my ingrained self-assumptions, and about the phrases of transformation.
Eva Köppen
(Deutsche Bahn)
Attending Hedi's sessions has been a life changing experience. I firmly believe that these sessions are powerful tools for overcoming personal obstacles and realizing your full potential. Highly recommended to anyone looking for change and growth.
Sebastian Berg
(Innovation Consultant)
Hedi Schaefer's coaching module helped me to reach my full power as a mother and performing artist. The process was always strongly focused on my "light" and "flow", so that at the end I had a bouquet of "How to live and work" in front of me. And these flowers keep growing and blooming again and again.
Maria R.
(Performing Artist)