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  • Hedi

How to create your 21st century Soul Brand?

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Text Version:

Our world is changing.

While we live in times of chaos and uncertainty, more and more of us realize they want to make money differently and create a work-life integration that supports their values and passions. And by that elevate their superpowers.

Consciousness is rising. And simultaneously, our possibilities as women to have it all are greater than ever before. We have rights; we have opportunities.

But are we utilizing ALL OF IT?

Well, having it all is not a pipe dream anymore. It is more real than ever.

The only thing in our way is often times the system. Not suitable yet for women who are powerful and have a voice.

And ourselves. How often do we sabotage our own power and our own dream?

In this article, I'd like to give you an alternative to feeding the system, freeing yourself from outside expectations, and stepping into your creator-shoes. Or stilettos, totally optional. ;)

Here I'd like to show you quickly and concisely how you can create something that is yours and stays yours no matter the chaos, changes, and uncertainty around you.

Something that is no more 9-5, but portable to wherever you go.

And with this: Welcoming your power and strength and welcoming you to YOUR OWN SOUL BRAND.

Wait, what is a Soul Brand?

A Soul Brand is a service or product that is your own creation, representing all of your beliefs and your message. And, of course, your powerful actions. A Soul Brand is not bottled up into a Coca-Cola glass. But where the brand is you. Think about Oprah Winfrey or Marie Forleo. It's the person, the woman, you.

It's built on the wisdom that people buy from people.

And where you establish trust and relationships, which lead to a flourishing business.

It's not based on an idea to get rich quickly. It's where you stand in line and break it tons of times to make a real difference.

Sounds good? OK, AWESOME.

Well, without further ado, here are the magic components you need to consider and build upon when wanting to go for it. No matter what.

1. YOU!

It all starts with you. Most people can tell and show you on a flashy billboard what they do. But they can't tell you why they do what they do. Also, most organizations (at least the ones I've been supporting over the last decade) rather spend thousands of dollars on marketing agencies to come up with flashy but unfortunately empty slogans. It's work to find out what you stand for and why you exist and want to keep contributing to this world.

But it's worth it.

Ask yourself, my dear:

Why are you on this planet?

Why do you want to serve your customers, no matter the crisis, no matter the noise around you?

What are your passions and skills?

Go within. This is priceless to know.

Clarity is key and power. It makes you crisis-proof. Invest here! It's your competitive advantage.


So, let's go conquer the world...


Hu, what else?

2. Your special sauce.

Go deep one more time. Think about what you have overcome, your struggles and pains, your wounds you have turned into wisdom.



It's a message and purpose that comes directly from your deep, deep soul and catapults the full and true you into this world.

You'll be making a difference because it's real, it's proven, and comes directly from you.

You can't top that.

Is that all? Nope.

3. Now add superpowers by making yourself invincible.

Sadly, 80-90% of all business endeavors don't make it past the first year. And the number of ideas that never ever make it out there must be countless if the number one regret of people dying is that they never took a chance on their dreams, right?

There are hurdles all around us. And within us.

Invest in your personal development. Train your brain for success. Train yourself to become immune to self-sabotage, procrastination, and hiding behind everybody else.


...And now you can start creating ;)

But what?

4. To find out: TEST!

Take one idea at a time and test.

Test what your ideal customers, most likely former versions of you (remember when you struggled?! That's where they need you and your unique power most) NEED.

Do 1:1 sessions if you're a coach. Test your online course by inviting your peers to a minimal product version in a slack account. Create an Instagram account, and test all topics you are planning to share in the future.

The more data you gain, the better your products will become.

And you will get testimonials, meaning quotes and thanks by your test clients, are always, always a nice thing to collect on the way there. Don't forget!

But don't stop there.

5. Fall in love with your people.

Now reach out. Get your message out there!! Connect to people. Influencers of your industry: connect, and collaborate to reach the masses.

People and connections are the fuel to your Soul Brand.

Collaborate with like-minded souls who motivate you and open doors to their client base.

Give and take in terms of publicity, connections, and of course, skills.

Because the success principles here are

- Reach your ideal clients. If you collaborate with influencers of your field, that is a huge check

- Learn from those who have been in the industry a little longer than you; knowledge is your superpowers

But don't take first: Give. Genuinely. Give them the cheers, the love, and whatever skill you can offer. That makes a relationship.

And another success principle to add.

Mostly is just about moving one step at a time and one hurdle out of the way. At a time. And how can you do that? Simply by adding one relevant piece of knowledge that eliminates the hurdle just like *snap*.


Now, it's your time. Now it's show-time!

Let me know what you share with the world. I can not wait to cheer you on.

Lots of love and till soon,


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