Being a changemaker means you transform the things you don't like into things you love. It's the moment when you stop contemplating on your past, and you step into your full-on future.
Being a changemaker starts with the willingness to take responsibility for your own thoughts, emotions, and actions and go for whatever it is you want to make happen in this world.
And being a changemaker means you see the gift in everything.
But that's often easier said than done, right?
Now it so happens that The Gift is also the title of one of my favorite books I read over the last years of going through a massive self-transformation. It was so different from all the psychological approaches I encountered going to therapy, wanting to become whole and empowered, not just "stable". And stepping into my changemaker shoes.
This book is by the one and only Dr. Edith Eger. She is an acclaimed psychologist and expert for PTSD. She is a holocaust survivor and became a best-selling author in her 90s with her first book The Choice. A book Desmond Tutu called "A gift to humanity".
She is a passionate cook for Hungarian Recipes and truthfully one of the warmest people I ever met.
I had the absolute pleasure of talking to her about her masterpiece The Gift, a practical and inspirational guide to healing, showing you how to release your self-limiting beliefs and embrace your potential.
She says: "She is an ophthalmologist helping you to see everything from a different perspective."
And in this video, she passes on her most profound wisdom to you, so you can become the most empowered changemaker you're meant to be and who we so desperately need in this time and age.
Get your notebooks out, cause here she comes.👇❤️
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Much love and till soon,
Yours Hedi