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You were born to innovate! 7 innovation principles to change from crisis to opportunities

Updated: Jun 17, 2020

I’ve just recently stumbled over this quote again by the magical Wayne Dyer: "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." And I thought: What a simple and true statement, especially in the times we’re currently in, right?

So as the nerdy solution seeker that I am, my next thought was naturally: Yes, what about changing perspectives? What about shaking things up a bit? What does the innovation mindset-approach-kinda-thing has to OFFER?

Here is my take on it: 7 innovation principles to start unblocking and going with the flow. To see and act on things differently and create opportunities. 

They are my personal favorites, topped with life-enhancing glitter. And I really hope they work for and serve YOU.

Why 7 principles? 

Because over the last decade, creating my own innovations and helping clients worldwide to build theirs, I found that the biggest block is always in the head and the way we approach our challenges: The beliefs are limiting, and the processes are outdated, which leads to a sense of overwhelm or even shut down. Understandably! But this snake habit, waiting for something to happen, just does not work in times of change. 

Now. The bad news is:

Hardly ever someone on a unicorn or anything from outside will come to your rescue. I've tried this tactic, did not work for me ;)


You can always do something from within. Again, take in that Dyer quote: If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change...

Here are the 7 principles to help you JUMP not HIDE!

For the full training watch the YouTube training session below. And please enjoy! You've got this.

3:00 - Principle Number 1: FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUR CUSTOMER

Know them, make them happy, be of service to them. 

5:04 - Principle Number 2: SAOLUTE.

What does that mean? SALUTE (welcome) SOLUTIONS. Always under all circumstances and support those around you who practice that. 

6:35 - Principle Number 3: DARE

Take risks. Don't wait for things to happen. Make them happen.

7:14 - Principle Number 4: EXPERIMENT

Go for progress. Not perfection. Test and iterate.

Learn from your mistakes. One step at a time.

8:24 - Principle Number 5: TRUST 

Trust your process. Trust your team.

9:20 - Principle Number 6: MOTIVATE 

Encourage others. Enjoy self-care.

9:54 - Principle Number 7: FUN

Take fun seriously.

Hopefully they will enhance your life the way they inspired mine.

For downloading the grey or white collection for free click here

Which one is your favorite? Let me know in the comment section below.

With all my love and support.

xxx Hedi

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